Tidak Malu, 4 Artis Ini Bicara Aktivitas Ranjangnya, Nomor 3 Minta Setiap Hari

Berbicara masalah aktivitas seorang suami istri tidak akan ada habisnya apalagi yang dibicarakan persoalan aktivitas ranjangnya.
Namun yang menjadi menarik di sini adalah ketika kita membicarakan persoalan rumah tangga artis Tanah Air. Ada yang bercerai dan merasa kesulitan menjalurkan hasrat biologisnya, segala cara mereka lakukan untuk memuaskan nafsunya. Seperti dilansir dari jogja.tribunnews.com (11/4/2018), inilah 4 artis yang tidak malu bicara persoalan ranjang bersama suaminya.
1 Dewi Persik
Dewi Persik tidak malu berbicara persoalan kebutuhan biologisnya, “kalau sama suami saya optimalkan, tapi kalau suami lagi jauh maka bisa dengan chat atau web cam.” Sebab kata Dewi persik persoalan biologis adalah hal yang wajib terpenuhi.
2 Krisdayanti
Ketika masih bersama Anang, Krisdayanti mengungkapkan aktivitas ranjangnya. Mereka selalu menciptakan kreasi dalam bercinta.
3 Ashanty
Ashanty merupakan salah satu artis yang tidak malu berbicara persoalan ranjangnya bersama suami tercinta. Ashanty mengaku suka capek, sebab Anang minta bercintanya setiap hari.
4 Mulan Jameela
Mulan juga tidak malu membicarakan persoalan ranjangnya bersama suami. menurut Mulan, dia melakukan aktivitas ranjangnya dengan biasa aja, enggak aneh-aneh, atas dan bawah aja.

Sumber: ucnews.com

Best Forex Trading Platform

If you have traded forex in the past you know one of the most important things is to find a good or the best forex trading platform. Such a platform is a site where you are able to trade forex. There are hundreds of these online and forex trading is a multibillion dollar industry which many people try to exploit and make money from. So the question is which forex platform is the best. In this article I will show you my 3 favourites and why they are good trading platforms.Etoro - If you have ever considered trading forex in the past this name will have come up on your searches, this is because this site is most user friendly and is great for newbie's who want to get started in trading but are a little unsure how to use their accounts. This is because Etoro offers guided tutorials, personal trading coaches and a user friendly interface which is easy to navigate and understand. Another huge bonus with joining Etoro is that they offer up to $10,000 in bonuses for signing up, which would tempt anyone. But this does depend on your deposit.

Forexyard - This is another great forex trading platform similar to Etoro but less newbie based. If you have traded forex before then I recommend this platform as there is more experienced interfaces that will help anyone who has traded before and know a bit more about the stats behind the trade. All is very similar between the trading platforms so many try to offer the best bonuses to entice people to trade with them. Forexyard are offering "Deposit funds worth $1,000 or more into your FOREXYARD account and receive a 10% cashback for free, worth up to $1,000." This is very similar to etoro's offer.

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